Thursday 22 February 2018

What Is Quality Score & How Does it Affect PPC?

What Is Quality Score & How Does it Affect PPC?

If you’re trying to master PPC, you need a solid knowledge of Quality Score. That’s because
 your Quality Scores have excessive influence over the cost and capability of your paid 
search campaigns.Only your credit can disturb rather not you certify for a loan Google 
Quality Score affects how your PPC ads is working and how much you need to pay for
 each click.Know more about Quality Score at PPC Training in Chandigarh.

PPC Training in Chandigarh

What is Quality Score?

Quality Score is Google's rating of the quality and importance of both your keywords and 
PPC ads. It is used to resolve your cost per click (CPC) and aggregated by your maximum
 price to determine your ad rank in the ad action  process. Your Quality Score build on
 multiple factors, including:
  • Click-through rate (CTR).
  • The applicability of each keyword to its ad group.
  • Landing page quality and importance.
  • The availability of your ad text.
  • Your actual  AdWords account performance.
Outside Google appreciate complete how much each factor works for the Quality 
Score algorithm. When more people who see your ad click on it  that an secure account 
to Google and your ads are relevant and helpful to users. Google benefits :
  • Higher ad ranking
  • Lower costs

Benefits of Improving Google Quality Score

By evaluate thousands of PPC accounts, we know that Quality Score has a direct
 parallel on your PPC success. By enhance your Quality Scores, you’ll be setting 
yourself up for bigger return on investment (ROI). The Quality Scores interact with
 lower cost per alteration Cost per growth is different from cost per click.
PPC Training in Chandigarh
Generally speaking, the higher your Quality Score, the lower your cost per conversion.
 Remember, a high Quality Score is Google's way of asking that your PPC ad meets your
 potential customers’ needs. The better you are at meeting the prospect’s needs, the less
 Google will charge you for the ad click.
 Inmprove your Quality Score by PPC Training in Chandigarh.

How Do You Increase Your Quality Score?
It is important to boost your ratings by working daily on your account. This can be conclude 
by appeal your efforts on many key places:

Keyword Research – Discover new, highly suitable keywords to add to your campaigns,
 including long tail freedom that can grant to the bulk of your overall traffic.  

Keyword Organization – Split your keywords into compact, classified groups that can be 
more definitely tied to individual ad campaigns.

Refining Ad Text – Test out PPC ad copy that is more focused to your original ad groups.
 More effective ads get above CTR, one of the best ways to advance Quality Score.

Optimizing Landing Pages – Follow landing page best method to create pages that connect
 straight with your ad groups and provide a united background for visitors, from keyword to growth.

Adding Negative Keywords – Regularly research, identify, and boycott irrelevant search
 terms that are consume your budget.

As you can see, Quality Score is mainly a measure of applicability, and improving keyword 
Quality Score is a matter of grouping your PPC offencive  into small, well organized, strongly
 knit groups of keywords. Better keyword research and company will  automatically correct 
the quality and particularly of your ads and website content, allowing you to destination the 
exact gathering  most likely to be findingfor your offerings.

Low AdWords Quality Scores are basically the result of separate between keywords, ad 
groups, ad text, and landing page content. A high Quality Score comes naturally when an
 AdWords account contains formed keywords in relevant keyword groups, ad text that 
conform with certain ad groups, and placing pages that connect with the ad text . While
 there is no easy, reliable answer to developing your Quality Score formula, paying careful 
debate to purpose  will greatly improve your scores. Learn more about PPC 
Campaign at PPC Training in Chandigarh.

Friday 13 October 2017

Google Webmaster Tools vs Google Analytics

Google Webmaster Tools vs Google Analytics.

Difference between Analytics and Google’s Webmaster Tools:
There are some pretty significant differences between these two. So  what  exactly Webmaster Tools is.

Google Webmaster Tools is another free tool prepare to improve and optimize websites by giving a clear picture of exactly what is going on within the site. While this may seem similar to what Analytics does, there are patent differences between the two. Only using one piece leaves a great deal of important information on the table that could be used to drag more traffic and more sales from a website.

  • Crawling- Gives information on which pages search engines are not able to crawl. If a search engine is unable to crawl a website, site rankings are shot. It also gives the ability to tell Google not to index certain private pages that should not be available to the public.

  • Search Results- Google gives a vision into how many searches returned pages from your site, the total number of pages shown in search results, number of times a search result ended in a click-through, percentage of time a web search resulted in a click-through and the average position a website is display  on searches. This is all essential information for anyone doing any sort of SEO or Adwords campaign as it gives vision into if the campaign is working or if changes need to be made.

  • Links-  Links are foremost for a successful website. Webmaster tools can show if there are any broken links pointing back to a website. These links can  either be fixed or removed. It  also show’s how many internal links are there in each page . Internal links are a great way to get some love from Google, knowing which page Google feels is the most important can be highly valuable.

  • Site Configuration- Submitting a sitemap to Google is a good way to assure all of the pages to a website are indexed by Google. This may not seem too important, however if a page is not indexed, there’s no way anyone can find it in a search. This means limited traffic to a website. There are also appearance included such as the ability to choose which sitelinks show up in a Google search and how to notify Google if the URL to a website is changing.

  • Diagnostic problems-  If the website turn out infected with malware, Webmaster Tools will send notification, giving a heads up to get that fixed up and keep a site from being blocked by Google. In addition, it can also point out any errors within the HTML on the website and give vision into the load times of a website.

Google Analytics is represent to give a picture of who is coming to a website, how many hits a site gets, how people are finding the site and what content is in the mainstream.Webmaster tools differ in that they are designed to prepare a picture on how a website is seen by a search engine. Specifically, Webmaster Tools provides the following information:


With Google Analytics, a hit is ANY inquiry sent to the GA data collection system. This carry pageviews, events, custom variables, measurement protocol uploads, etc.

You can backup your Google Analytics data by safekeeping a copy of the hits sent to Google. There are many prime reasons to do this, as explained here: backup your Google Analytics data


A pageview is noted every-time a page is viewed. Or, more technically, a pageview is noted every-time the Google Analytics pageview tracking method is accomplished. When a visitor hits the back button, a pageview is recorded. When a visitor tap refresh, a pageview is recorded. Every time a page is opened in the browser, regardless of whether it has been cached, a pageview is recorded.


A visit abide of a series of pageviews that a single visitor makes during a period of activity. A visit ends after the visitor either closes the browser, clears cookies, or is asleep for 30 minutes. (The timeout length is customizable in the tracking code settings)
Visitors are defined by a individual ID - this ID is usually stored in a visitor's cookies. Whenever the tracking code is executed(carried out),it looks for cookies on the browser set by the current domain. If they can't be found, new cookies including a new ID are set. Google Analytics hit visits over visitors because of the inherent inaccuracies of trying to track individual users. For example, a visitor who deletes their cookies, uses multiple browsers or shares their computer will show up wrongly.


A visit by(including) one pageview. It doesn't matter how long the visitor stay on the page or how they left. Technically, it's a visit with only one communication.

Time on Page

Time on page is measured by subtracting the time a visitor tap a page from the time they tap the next page. (e.g. If they hit Page 1 at 11:00 and hit Page 2 at 11:03, time on Page 1 is three minutes.) This means that the time on page for the last page in a visit is always zero because Google Analytics doesn't track pages being folded.

Time on Site

This is the total of the time on page for all page views in a visit. Or, more exactly, it is the difference between the time they viewed the first page and last page in a visit. Note that viewing pages in different tabs doesn't act on this. Google Analytics simply sees a string of pages being viewed in dated order, without any reference to multiple tabs or windows.

New Visitor

A visitor who did not have Google Analytics cookies when they tap the first page in this visit. If a visitor deletes their cookies and comes back to the site, the visitor will be counted as a new visitor.

Returning Visitor

A visitor with existing Google Analytics cookies from a previous visit.

Dollar Index

A measurement of how influential a page is to conversion. The higher the number, the more frequently it was viewed prior to a purchase or conversion. It's figured by taking the goal conversion value or transaction value of a visit and applying it evenly to all the pages prior to that conversion. Seen in aggregate, it just attempts to correlate pages to conversions.


Pageviews divided by visits. This metric shows the average number of pages viewed per visit.

Direct Traffic

Ideally, this is the traffic that came to a site via bookmarks or by directly (right) typing  in the URL. In reality, it is the traffic for which the code is unable resolve a source. Depending on the site and the browser, some links may not show a referrer and instead would be classify as direct. Using campaign variables will get around this misstatement every time.

Search Engine Traffic

Google Analytics automatically identify traffic as coming from a search engine if the referring URL is from its list of known search engines and there is a search term analyze in that URL. Both organic and paid search engine traffic is place into this group.

Event Tracking

A feature that allows you to track visitor activities clearly from pageviews. This is commonly used to track intercommunication with AJAX or Flash content.

Google Analytics API

The API abstract data from Google Analytics accounts. It allows customers to programmatically abstract Google Analytics data and incorporate it with 3rd party applications and/or databases.

These are  some features Google Webmaster Tool offers. Overall, it’s a free tool  incredibly valuable. Choosing not to take full advantage of this can prevent you from seeing key information
on a website.. Share your experience with Google Webmaster Tools with us? Put your comments below!

Wednesday 27 September 2017


What is a robots.txt file?

  • The robots.txt file is a simple text file stored on your web server which tells webcrawlers like Googlebot if they should access a file or not.

    What is a robots.txt file?

  • The robots.txt file is a simple text file stored on your web server which tells webcrawlers like Googlebot if they should access a file or not.

The Importance of a Robots.txt File for Your SEO

Robots.txt file is a text file which tells the search engines to access  pages and index on your website & which pages not to. For example, if you define in your Robots.txt file that you don’t want the search engines to be able to access your thank you page, that page won’t be able to appear in the search results and web users won’t be able to find it. Keeping the search engines from accessing certain pages on your site is foremost for both the privacy of your site and for your SEO.

How to Create Robots.txt Files

Use our Robots.txt generator to create a robots.txt file.

Analyze Your Robots.txt File

Google also offers a  tool inside of Google Webmaster Central, and shows Google crawling errors for your site

Example Robots.txt Format

    Allow indexing of everything

User-agent: *
User-agent: *
Allow: /

       Disallow indexing of everything
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
      Disallow indexing of a specific folder

User-agent: *
Disallow: /folder/
Disallow Googlebot from indexing of a folder, except for allowing the indexing of one file in that folder
            User-agent: Googlebot
    Disallow: /folder1/
    Allow: /folder1/myfile.html

Why Some Pages Need to Be Blocked
Reasons why you command & want to block a page using the Robots.txt file. , if you have a page on your site which is a very same of another page, you don’t want the robots to index it because that would result in very same content which can hurt your SEO. The second reason is if you have a page on your site which you don’t want users to be able to access unless they take a specific action. For example, if you have a thank you page where users get access to outright information because of the fact that they gave you their email address, you probably don’t want people being able to find that page by performing a Google search. The other time that you’ll want to block pages or files is when you want to look after private files in your site such as your cgi-bin and keep your capacity from being used up because of the robots indexing your image files:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /cgi-bin/

In all of these cases, you’ll need to add a command in your Robots.txt file that tells the search engine spiders not to access that page, not to index it in search results and not to send visitors to it.

Thank you for reading. Continue your journey of learning , join digital marketing course in Chandigarh.

Site map

Sitemap is an XML file that is full of your particular  webpage’s URLs. It scrolls  every webpage in your website. This file should be easily estimable in your site in order for search engine crawlers to stumble upon it.

 Types of site map

  1. XML Sitemap files for web pages – Use these files to put up with all of your web pages (this is the preferred format for web pages). Sometimes all search engines may support the Sitemap types listed below, the XML Sitemap for web pages is supported by all search engines of
  2. RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feeds for web pages – automatically created by many blogs.
  3. Text files with web page URLs – If you are not able to create one of the above formats automatically, you can create a text file with your URLs in it.
  4. XML Sitemap files for Video Search – Indexed Videos on your website are made available forGoogle Video Search.
  5. Media-RSS feeds for Video Search – mRSS feeds are used by many other systems, we can use these forGoogle Video Search as well.
  6. XML Sitemap files for Google Code Search – If you generate programming samples or code available to your users, you can submit these for Google Code Search.
  7. XML Sitemap files for mobile web pages – Using this kind of format allows us to remark content that has been optimized for mobile devices (please note that there was newly a small change in the format).
  8. XML Sitemap files for geo-data – In case you have geographic data on your website in the form of KML orGeoRSS files, please let us know about these files.
  9. XML Sitemap files for News – News websites can yield their news content in this special Sitemap format (please note that you must first register with Google News before these files are prepared).

Role of XML sitemaps to search-optimize Flash sites

Sitemaps are a helpful tool for making sites built in Flash and other non-html languages searchable. If a website's navigation is made with Flash, an automated search program would probably only find the initial homepage; subsequent pages are unlikely to be found without an XML sitemap

If  you have any queries related above topic,you can write down in the comment below and for more information visit digital marketing course in Chandigarh.

Monday 25 September 2017

Meta Tags

What Are Meta Tags

In HTML, meta tags or meta elements are tags stored within the head section of your code that help define the contents of a web page. For example, a description meta tag is used by Internet search engines to flourish a description of your page in their search results. Each meta element must have an opening and closing <meta> tag.
                                                    Meta tags

There are three major types of meta tags worth knowing about and we’ll talk about them all here. Some are not as useful as earlier. Others are worth using regularly, and will very possible increase your traffic by letting Google know who you are and what you provide. (There are more than three kinds of meta tags, but some are less common or not relevant to web marketing)

The three types we’ll discuss here are:

  • Title Tag - This is the text you'll look at the top of your browser. Search engines show this text as the "title" of your page.
  • Meta Description Attribute - A small description of the page.
  • Meta Robots Attribute - An explanation to search engine crawlers (robots or "bots") as to what they should do with the page.

Title Tag

The title tag is an HTML title element demanding to both SEO and user experience that is used to briefly and accurately describes the topic and theme of an online document.
The title tag is visible in two key places:
  • Internet Browser – Title Tags are seen at the top bar of internet browsers.
title tag in browser
  • Search Result Pages – Search engines flourish title tags in their results along with another less important on-page factor, the meta description tag.
title tag in search results page

For example:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>SEO Training in Chandigarh | Digital Marketing Course in Chandigarh</title>

Meta Description Attribute                                              

A meta description attribute (sometimes called a meta description "tag") is an HTML element, ~160 character long, that specify and review the contents of your page to search engines. While the importance of meta data has reduced as a whole, the meta description still plays a significant role in on-page SEO.

Meta Robots Attribute

With this attribute, you're striking the search engines what to do with your pages:
  • index/noindex - This tells the engines in case to show your page in search results or not.
  • follow/nofollow - This tells the engines what to do with links on your pages: even if they should trust and "follow" your links to the next page or not.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing keep all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses float digital channels such as sear...